
Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)

Divorce is likely to be one of the toughest events you can experience. Having an experienced advocate on your side may lessen the emotional strain that comes along with a dissolution of marriage. We represent clients in straightforward divorce cases, as well as those that are more complicated. Although each divorce has its own unique circumstances, many of these cases have similar aspects that require each spouse to make decisions about:
  • Dividing marital property (debts and assets)
  • Establishing parental responsibility
  • Determining child visitation or timesharing
  • Attorney's Fees and Costs
  • Child support, and
  • Alimony or spousal support 
Each one of these aspects presents their own unique challenges that requires highly skilled and experienced attorneys. 

Minor Children and Divorce

Because decisions involving minor children are particularly sensitive, child support and child custody (timesharing) agreements can produce contentious negotiations. We can provide legal guidance to make sure that you are acting in the best interests of your children.  
Separation of Family — Sebring, FL — Copley Law Firm

Marital Property Division And Financial Matters

The division of marital property in Florida is known as equitable distribution.  We will address your financial matters with the planning and attention to detail necessary to ensure that your unique circumstances are properly considered, that your marital rights are protected, and that your marital estate is fairly divided. We will conduct financial discovery tailored to the needs of your case, and we will address the complex financial issues that arise out of the division of businesses, pensions and retirement plans, stock portfolios, stock options, and real estate.
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